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Year 7 In-Centre or Online Tuition

Ark Year 7 Tuition offers Maths, English and Science subjects. Children have the opportunity to register for one subject, two subject or all three subjects. Our Programme is timetabled as such that giving the flexibility for selecting the subjects. Year 7 at ark lays a good foundation for the GCSE for children at a gradual but relaxed paced so that at the crucial stages of their education milestones children are confident and ready for the challenges.

We provide help - Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT)

These assessments consist of NFER Cognitive Ability Tests (testing verbal reasoning, Mathematical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning). The purpose of the assessments are; firstly help teachers to identify strengths and weaknesses., secondly help the school to monitor student progress in relation to student’s ability.

Our Secondary Programmes

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Year 7

Year 7 at ark lays a good foundation for the GCSE for children at a gradual but relaxed pace so that at the crucial stages of their education milestones children are confident and ready for the challenges.

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Year 8

Children who improve in their Maths, English and Science at Year 8 have a higher probability to be selected for the higher set at year 10 compared to those who do not.

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Sit Amet Website

Year 9

Most schools group children for GCSE as per the subject performance in year 9. It is important for the children to be grouped at the right level for the GCSEs as it enables them to achieve their full potential.

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Testimonials of our children

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